Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Online Safety

Being online in today's world can be exhilirating or challenging. In this post we will address the challenging aspects of being online to increase income, take advantage of money saving programs and/or a combination of both. When you visit your paid to read email sites, you will see many income programs.

All are legitimate, but the vast majority are not beneficial for you unless you have a hefty advertising budget. Since the vast majority of Bayne Street participants will be new to online programs and services, it is necessary and vital that you become aware of scams, tricks and gimmicks.

Madame Chair (Lorraine Primrose) is going to do everything she can to help you earn money safely online. Scam prevention and report services are listed in the navigation section of this blog. In this blog we will also address:

1. Online Income Opportunities
2. Surveys and Offers
3. Types of Banking Fraud
4. Spyware & Viruses

Online Income Opportunities

According to industry sources, in 2007, online marketers collectively spent over 40 billion dollars on advertising, yet they collectively earned only 22 billion. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the overwhelming majority of online marketers are losing money, not earning money. Don't join the losers. Examine testimonials about Internet opportunities closely because many are bogus. Most of the income printouts you will see are probably fake.

Think about this. If you had a program that was earning you 1 million dollars a year, how much would you sell it for? You are right? 5 to 10 times that. The reason: If you did not sell the concept, it would still make you another million next year..and you definitely would not be selling it for $34.95 or $79.95 or any other ridiculously low dollar amount.

Bayne Street does not list many good online opportunities simply because they do not have mass appeal, can not help the vast majority, they are cost intensive, require great skill, knowledge or expertise or you may spend more money than you actually earn.

A general "Rule of Thumb" is: If the opportunity has a low or no initial dollar amount, it's going to cost you a major investment in time, effort, commitment and money to be successful with it. If the opportunity has a high dollar amount, the company will generally provide you with everything you need to get started and succeed.

The scam is: A high dollar amount and you get nothing or very little in return or a low dollar amount and the product and/or service is virtually worthless. Many times these realities are interchangable depending on the nature of the scam. Remember this when you are looking at income opportunities.

Surveys & Offers

In addition to income opportunities, you are going to encounter surveys of every kind and sort, the vast majority of which are cleverly disguised advertisements and offers. These offers can be very enticing. Understand, many of these offers come with a monthly price tag. In many cases, your monthly payout may be far greater than the money you earned initially.

Therefore, only take advantage of offers you can actually use to improve your health, lifestyle, increase your income, save more money or for any beneficial purpose. Do not participate in any survey that forces you to buy a product or take advantage of a service or offer. These are not real surveys. They are advertising tricks and gimmicks to get your email address, home address, telephone number or to get you to buy a product or use a service.

Only take online surveys that are genuine. Madame Chair (Lorraine Primrose) is constantly researching programs and opportunities that will be beneficial for the vast majority. If or when they are discovered, they will be added to the signup page. Currently, we have not found a credible survey that does not involve the sale of a product or service.

Types of Internet Banking Fraud

Nothing’s easier than online banking. While it’s more secure than ever before, you still have to keep an eye out for scams and internet fraud. Unfortunately, there are people using the Internet whose only purpose is to get their hands on your money by any means necessary. That's why we recommend and encourage every Bayne Street participant to take advantage of Free Card Matrix. FCM allows you to shop online, protect your bank accounts and earn money at the same time.

Phishing Scams

Chances are excellent that you have heard about identity theft on the evening news or seen stories about it in your local newspaper. Phishing scams or “spoofing scams” are not only very common, they’re probably the easiest way thieves get their hands on your personal information. Why? Because YOU give it to them.

In phishing scams, unscrupulous individuals mass email every address they can find with information that looks like it comes from your bank. The would be thieves, then ask you to update your profile (personal account number, passwords, social security numbers, mom’s maiden name, birthday, etc.). It may takes months before you realize, you gave all your personal information to an Internet scammer.

You probably think this wouldn’t happen to you. It’s not always easy to spot an internet banking fraud scam. In some cases, good phishing scams can be really hard to discern from the real thing. There may be a graphic or logo from your bank on the email, or the website they link you to is so real looking, even you could be fooled. By the time they’re through, they have all the information needed to break into your account and open credit cards in your name, etc.

Protecting Yourself From Phishing Scams

Bank of America has the award-winning SiteKeyTM tool, which shows you an image (chosen by you in advance), then asks you to enter another password before you get access to your account. If you are a Bank of America customer, it’s easy to tell if you’re on a bogus site.

If your bank doesn’t offer this kind of protection, just remember, no legitimate bank would send an email asking you to update your personal information. So if you get one, you know it’s one of those phishing scams. Forward it to your bank or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Spyware and Viruses

Spyware and viruses are programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge (usually by clicking on pop-up ads). Sometimes they destroy information on your computer. Other times, they bombard you with ads.

Then there’s the spyware that is disguised as a real application. This type spyware collects all your private information.
While it’s not exactly like a phishing scam, this kind of internet fraud puts the same secret information into the hands of thieves.

A "Trojan Horse" is another method used by internet scammers to get their hands on your account. More often than not, these program applications are disguised as or embedded within harmless looking software (computer clock setting programs, weather alerts, etc.). Just remember, these programs are also designed to get access to your private information.

Some spyware can also come in the form of a stand-alone program like a game or a screensaver.
To help protect your vital informaion and your computer, get good anti-virus protection, anti-spywear and a firewall for your home computer.

Additional Information and Support

Finding The Right People
A Success Outline That Has Never Failed
Your Mind-set, The Key To Success Or Failure

In our next post we will show you how to evaluate an Internet based opportunity.

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